Jul 31, 2010

Do French Bulldogs Need Exercise?

Just like men, French bulldogs are creatures of habit too. So, if left to their own devices, French bulldogs would just rather lay around and the only activity they would get is the occasional playful times they have with their owners. To some, this characteristic is normal to French bulldogs, in fact, if you own one right now, then you know that French bulldogs would just rather lie down and rest. They have probably commandeered your sofa or favorite chair already.

French bulldogs though do this not because their lazy, but because their lazy, but because they tend to get tired first and overheated. So, you can’t really blame them if they would just rather lie down, it’s not their fault, it’s their body going against them. But, that doesn’t mean that you should just let them be. Like any other dogs, the French bulldog needs exercise to keep fit and stay healthy. This is not an easy task though, this canine would prefer to stay still than exercise, they are also very hard headed, even though they are playful at times.

If you want your French bulldog to be healthy, then you must find ways to make your pet exercise. To ensure that they will be accustomed to these activities, then you have to start your exercise regimen while your French bulldog is still a pup. Remember though, French bulldogs should only get moderate exercise as they tend to overheat their body temperature, which can led to different health problems and even death.

When walking your dog, avoid running or going through a fast pace, their body structure can’t take it. Aside from overheating, your French bulldog may suffer from labored breathing. Also, avoid taking your dog for a walk or play with it outside your home when the weather is very humid and hot. As much as possible, exercise your dog at nighttime when it’s cooler. This way you can avoid the complications.

Entice your dogs with treats. Make sure that you carry with you some rewards so that your French bulldog puppy will associate exercising with getting a reward, so this means that your pet would like to do exercises when you ask it to.

Make sure that your exercise regimen is fun! Dogs like humans would eagerly do activities that make them happy, not stressful. Think of ways to make your exercise more fun, like creating some obstacles for your dog to run through.

Make sure that you do your exercises before meal time, when French bulldogs are full, they tend to become drowsy and lazy, preferring to just lay around.

And like humans one again, good physical health is not just about exercise, but with proper nutrition and health as well. Prepare a well balanced diet for your dog and schedule exercises with frequent rest times in between. And a final note, it can’t be stressed enough that French bulldogs only need moderate exercise, so please don’t overdo it.

Jul 28, 2010

What To Do When Purchasing a French bulldog

French Bulldog Breeders today are simply enjoying what they do, not just because they are surrounded by the creatures that they love, but also because they are able to make a living out of it. The reason behind this is more people today are purchasing dogs. This may be because of several reasons; some see them as the ultimate in home safety, while some have them for companionship, whatever your reasons are you definitely have made a good decision. Dogs have always been known as the best pet to have, and for so many reasons that need not be elaborated. And presently, many dog lovers have found that the French bulldog is one of the top choices.

Like cuddly teddy bears, French bulldogs have an appeal of their own. They possess the same stocky and muscular, sometime fearsome look, but they are also diminutive and lovable. And although purists would prefer purebred French bulldogs, you have to know that there are a variety of French bulldogs available in different colors and sizes. So once you have decided that you are ready to own a French bulldog, here are some of the considerations that should know to help you decide which type of French bulldog to purchase.

The type of body and size. Yes, they have the same body type, to a certain extent. Some French bulldogs are stockier while some are much thinner. Some have longer legs, while others are lower to the ground. Depending on their lineage, you will be able to choose, based on their parents, what type would best suit your preference. Some are noticeably bigger as well. If you want to let your dog join a show later on, you can check the American Kennel Club in their minimum and maximum requirements.

The gender. Some say that female French bulldogs are more susceptible to training. And this consideration is based on the fact that if you want to produce a litter later on. This though depends on the breeder that you bought the dog from. Some do not allow their dogs to produce offspring and requires them to be spayed or neutered.

The bloodline of the dog of and the reputation of the breeder. Once again, if you want your dog to be entered into competitions, having champion parents will help boost the chances. To do this, you must be able to get proof of their registration with the AKC and proof of their champion win. A reputable breeder will be able to show all of this to you. As much as possible, only get your dog from a reputable breeder.

Health. A breeder should be able to show you the health history of the bloodline of the dog. Also, the results of the health tests on the puppy should be produced. This will help ensure that you are getting a healthy French bulldog puppy.

And lastly, check on yourself. See if you are indeed ready to take on the responsibility of being a responsible owner. Not only emotionally, but also financially and have ample time and space.

Jul 26, 2010

French Bulldog: A Checklist Of Special Needs

To some, a french bulldog may just seem the same as the other one, they eat, they play, they sleep, and they leave a mess, could it get more complicated than that. Well, basically they do have the same needs, but there are still some distinct differences in every breed which can require some special attention. Sure they all need to exercise, but there are some differences as well. So if you own a French bulldog, or is planning to own one, then you need to know what this differences are to ensure that you will have a happy French bulldog and a healthy one at that.

In this article, there is a vital list of the basic things that any French bulldog owner should know. This list will not only help you become a responsible owner, but also help those that are thinking about buying a French bulldog to decide whether they are ready to own one today. Here is the list of those instructions in no particular order:

Cool area in their home or in their garden - French bulldogs find heat as their waterloo. Because of their oddly shaped head, French bulldogs find it difficult to dispel heat. They also have trouble breathing when it’s too warm and when they are tired. Make sure that if you live in an area with a warm climate, an air-conditioned room should be available for them. Also, your garden should have areas where shades are available where they can lunge around in not too warm days. Providing your pet with a good shelter makes him feel important and valued.

Have water accessible – Water will help them dispel heat. French bulldogs tend to overheat so they need to rehydrate often. Even with just a small time spent exercising, they will soon become thirsty and panting, so have a water bowl ready inside and outside your home.

Exercise your French bulldog – Unlike other dogs though, French bulldogs cannot be kept active for a prolonged period of time. They tire easily and needs short breaks from time to time. Walking and exercising is necessary for strength development of the dog, so dog owners usually do it twice a day. This also helps them to dispel waste outside your home. Plus, prevent your French bulldog from overheating when walking him by doing your exercises at dawn and at night time where the sun can’t bet down hard on your pet.

Well balanced diet – Quality dog food should be the norm. A healthy diet will help keep your dog strong to ward off any health conditions. It will also keep your dog looking good with its coat shiny and vibrant.

Respect your dog – treat it humanely and as part of the family. Provide it with the attention it needs and spend quality time with it. French bulldogs in particular need more human attention than other dogs. Try to spend also on dog products like chew toys and treats. A good collar will not only keep it nearby with a leash, but also help it find its way home if it gets lost.

And finally, keep some time and money for vet visits. Your vet is your best friend and ally in keeping your French bulldog healthy and happy.

Jul 25, 2010

Stress-Free Travel With Your French Bulldog

Its rare that you would find a family that’s not eager to take a vacation. Everybody packs up, looking forward to having a great time after a stressful year, but. Is the whole family really going? Many American households today said in a survey that they look as their dogs s members of the family, so when a “family” vacation is coming, most of them would like to take their dog along with them. The problem is, having a dog along can become a nuisance as well, and this is known to be true as well with the French bulldog.

So, many families would just resort to leaving their pets behind with their extended family or friends or just hire a pet sitter. But what if you really want to take your French bulldog with you? What re your options? What should you do to enable you to bring your French bulldog with you and still fully enjoy your family vacation? Here are some tips and reminders which you can take note of, to help you get that “true” family vacation that you have always wanted.

Tip 1 – Check out the places where dogs are normally allowed in most of the places of interest. You should also look for a place where you will be able to comfortably stay which allows pet dogs inside. You can ask your travel agent or scour the internet for recommendations on the places of interest which answers your vacation needs for pet-friendly places. Make sure that these places have all the facilities that can help your French bulldog enjoy itself and at the same time have health care services as well.

There are now many travel agents and websites that offer vacation packages that allows for a pet to be brought along. Choose along with your family so that everyone will know what is ahead for them. This way, you are not just choosing a place for your dog, but for the whole family.

Tip 2 – If your French bulldog is not yet familiar in riding a car, then prior to the trip you should start familiarizing it. Take it for short drives. At the start, just let him stay in the car for awhile with the engine idling, this will allow him to familiarize with the sound and the shaking. Then slowly let the car move, don’t jerk the car and go slow at first. Then take him for short rides stopping at least every mile or so, gradually add more miles before stopping.

Tip 3 – Have your dog get a thorough checkup by his vet before leaving on your dream vacation. This will eliminate the risks of him having any health concern while on vacation which can ruin the trip. Take any medication with you that your vet may recommend. Remember to get the ok signal from your vet first.

Tip 4 – Remember to pack everything that your dog may need, most importantly its collar, with all the contact details on the tag. Also remember to bring his food and anything that can make the journey comfortable for him. Also, make sure to bring cleaning materials as the dog may vomit or emit waste.

Jul 23, 2010

Owning a French Bulldog: Pro's And Cons

It’s easy to see why many people, even celebrities today, have embraced the French bulldog breed as their companion or pet. They have the same character as bulldogs provide but they are smaller and more lovable. While some may find the American Bulldog’s frame and look to be scary, its miniaturized version, the French bulldog doesn’t give off the same vibe. And another difference that this Frenchie has over its American counterpart is that it is more at home inside the house.

In fact, the average size of a Frenchie in its adulthood would be only about 2 feet up to its highest point. There are even types of French bulldog that are somewhat smaller. They are even lightweight as compared to other dogs, even with their stocky body, they can weigh only about 19 to 22 pounds, the bigger class weight can weigh about 22 to 28 pounds.

And like in any other purchases, you should weigh first the Pros and Cons of a product, or in this case, the dog’s breed, and see if the advantages would be much better in your situation than the disadvantages. Here are some of the pros and cons that have been noted by most French bulldog owners about their beloved pet. But remember, dogs, like humans, are individuals too and may tend to be different than the others. So what may be a a pro to one French bulldog, may not be present in another, and vice versa.


French bulldogs are generally very intelligent and can be taught easily. They can be very good watchdogs when trained properly. They are also not excessive barker. They bark only when they have something to tell you and that includes having an intruder in your home. French bulldogs also have a good temper and are well behaved. They also like to hunt mice so that means you won’t need a cat. Most of all, French bulldogs are great companion dogs. They are very lovable and cuddly and loves to play. Because of their small stature, they don’t require too much space or a big back or front yard to play or exercise.


The French bulldog can be hard headed and stubborn at times. When not trained well, a French bulldog cannot be relied on as a guard dog. Also, French bulldogs can become gassy, easily get tired and overheated, snores when asleep, and has the tendency to drool.

Plus, because of their body structure and bloodline, French bulldogs are known to be poor in swimming, get problems with breathing, and have trouble producing. They are also known for having a number of health concerns. That’s why they can be quite costly and would tend to require more than normal visitations to a vet.

Thos are just a number of examples that one would find as advantages and disadvantages with a French bulldog. It’s now up to you if you are able to cope with the cons and enjoy the pros of owning a French bulldog.

Jul 20, 2010

How To Socialize Your French Bulldog

It’s easy to be embarrassed when your dog shows unwanted behavior, and this commonly happens when there are other people or dog around. Imagine this, your in the park, your talking your dog for a stroll, your dog suddenly jerks on the leash, then runs off chasing other dogs, or worse, other people and maybe even taking a bite or two. This could get worse if you don’t train your dog to be able to socialize, knowing the right time to be aggressive and to be be passive. Luckily, to French bulldog owners, this is an easier task.

Easier as compared to other dogs but definitely not a walk in the park. French bulldogs are still dogs so it still my take a while to train them, but, because French bulldogs are innately sociable as compared to other breeds, you may surprisingly find that it doesn’t really take a lot of time and effort. To help you do so, here are some tips that may be able to aid you in achieving this goal.

Start your socialization training at home. This means that your dog should be able to absorb the training step by step, doing so in a place where he or she is comfortable, like your home. If the pup is new at home, don’t crowd him just yet. Approach him one by one until he gets to know all the family members. Do this slowly, don’t just jump at the dog or he may take this as an act of aggression. When friends come along for a visit, do the same procedure, just remember not to rush and close in on its space. Eventually, once you deem that your dog is ready to meet nw people, he or she can now socialize with other dogs. Let your friends or family members bring their dogs to your home.

Allow your dog to visit different sites and places. This will allow him to be relaxed at other sites besides your home. Take your French bulldog out for a walk making sure that you have a good grip on its leash. Take him first to a less crowded area, eventually exposing him to populous places once he is ready for it. . Remember not to shock your dog by taking him to busy streets as this may traumatize the dog and would eventually make him give up going out and socializing, a nice quiet park will do the trick. As a reminder though, make sure that your French bulldog pup has had its vaccinations, French bulldogs are prone to allergies and other health concerns that he or she may pickup in other areas or other dogs.

Always bring rewards such as different dog treats to reinforce a good behavior. If he starts barking or acting aggressively, remind him that it is not good and do so with a stern and firm voice, don’t hit your dog though. Eventually, your dog will get into the routine as it is a creature of habit and see that socializing is easy. A word of caution though, French bulldogs are susceptible to heat, so don’t overexpose it to the sun.